Work and Systems with the Language of Your Business™

... watch this space for information about
the new Object Management Group "Semantics of Business Vocabulary and
Business Rules" (SBVR) standard that was eight years in development

... “Using Natural Language and SBVR to
Author Unambiguous Business Governance Documents” paper
and presentation
given to the 2015 ISO TC 37 Plenary “Controlled Natural Language” Workshop
on Saturday afternoon, June 20, 2015.

... version 1.2 of the "Semantics of
Business Vocabulary and Business Rules" (SBVR) standard was published
for general public availability November 2013.

... version 1.1 of the "Semantics of
Business Vocabulary and Business Rules" (SBVR) standard was published
for general public availability September 2013.

... Business
Semantics is winner of seedcamp's
FinTech SeedHack weekend at Google's
Campus London for it's proposed contractual documentary risk mitigation
solution. Linguistic analysis and semantically-rich terminological
dictionaries / ontologies underpinned by formal logic are used to identify
and remove ambiguities in contracts which by their nature constitute
litigation risk. Winning the FinTech SeedHack puts Business Semantics
Ltd at the Full-Day Mentorship stage of the SeedCamp process as one of
the 20 startups participating in a SeedCamp Week.